A Day out 16th April 2012
"Spotted the Mouflon(Ovis Orientalis)"
"Spotted the Mouflon(Ovis Orientalis)"
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Looking for The White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) from a mountain |
The sun was shining and the weather was a bit windy, so it would be perfect to
go to a place where I spotted 7 beautiful Eagles at the same time. They were
playing and curving up in the sky, it was amazing to watch them from ground.
When I arrived I started to walk up to the top of a mountain, perhaps I would
be lucky and spot one of the Eagles today.
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The White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) arrived after 15 minutes of waiting |
Just as I arrived at the top and got my camera out of the bag the Eagle arrived.
It was amazing but unfortunatly it was a bit far away. In the distance I could hear
the sound of a couple of Ravens but they never approach the spot where I was
hiding. The Eagle dissapeared behind the trees and the magic moment was gone.
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The White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) |
But the Erne came back to have a look at me and then he or she dissapeared
again. I decided to go back down again and drive to another place in the nearby.
again. I decided to go back down again and drive to another place in the nearby.
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The Mouflon ( Ovis Orientalis) |
Suddenly I saw another eagle that circulated above a field. I went out of the car and
walked towards the field. I tried to avoid being spotted by the Eagle so I walked
underneath the trees which growed beside the open field. Suddenly I spotted a couple
Mouflon on the field. I sat down on the ground and took some shots. I was lucky
to have headwind, so they were unaware of my presence.
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The Mouflon ( Ovis Orientalis) |
I noticed that the male had long curved horns but I did not spot any on the female,
they continued with having dinner and it was amazing to be as close as I was
without them noticing me.
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The Mouflon ( Ovis Orientalis) |
Then suddenly they got scared, perhaps the wind changed, and as they started to run
I clearly could spot two females and a little one together with the male.
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The Mouflon ( Ovis Orientalis) |
And then another little one occured. I was so happy and positively surprised, I had my
focus on the Eagle and got this amazing oppurtunity. This was the first time ever, I
have had the chance to take photos of wild Mouflons.
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The Mouflon ( Ovis Orientalis) |
I could not help myself thinking about the reason to why the Eagle was curving above
this little heard. Was the Eagle perhaps focusing on one of the little one for dinner?
I have to make some research and find out if that was even possible, maybe a
newborn Mouflon but not this ones, I hope.
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Spotted another White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) |
When I lost sight of the Mouflon I continued along the field and there the Eagle was,
perhaps the Eagle had spotted me, or maybe he or she was dissapointed to have lost
sight of the Mouflon family.
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The White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) |
The Eagle flew to the grove of trees, I was able to get some shots from the field.
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The White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) was circulating above the Mouflon family |
From the ground I could see the gap in the Eagle´s right wing, could it be perhaps so
that the Eagle had lost a wing pen? Then the Eagle dissapeared behind the trees
and I decided to walk back to the car. I could see traces from Boars on the field as
I walked back.
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The Hooded Crow (Corvus cornix) |
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The Fallow Deer (Dama Dama) |
When heading towards Öster Malma I spotted these Fallow Deer´s. And then I
arrived at Torpesta Mill. A beautiful and interesting Mill. After taking some
shots I decided to head back home since is not only wild animals who needs
something nice for dinner, even a photographer gets hungry!
I am very happy to have been able to take
some photos of the Mouflon family and
to share them here with you at
my photo blog
I hope to be able to spot them again.
All the best to you all
Torpesta...kul...dit brukar vi ofta dra en sväng...fint fikaplace!
SvaraRaderaBildspelet är gjort i Photoshop Elements 9...klicka på skapa och sen finns det en meny där...lite klurigt innan man kommer på/underfund hur det fungerar...sen är det bara att göra om filen till en WM-fil...alltså så det går att spela upp i Windows Mediaplayer...fråga mig inte hur jag gjorde...satt och fippla och greja och dona o hade mig...det blev nått till slut i alla fall...spara filen till en mapp i utforskaren...sen ladda upp som vanligt i blogger fast i videouppladdningen istället för bilduppladdningen där...tog sin lilla tid idag att skapa detta lilla "mästerverk" men skitväder som det var så kan det vara kul o testa nå nytt...men jag skulle vilja haft bilderna i bildspelet lite större...klicka man upp till helskärm blir det inte bra...för dålig kvalitet då...finns säkert andra bildspelsfunktioner ute på nätet om man letar lite skulle jag tro.
Låter pyssligt o spännande, klickade upp bildspelet till helskärm och förstår vad du menar, tror att tittarna gärna vill njuta av helskärms läget, men visst borde det finnas ett sätt att få det skarpt o fint även då.
RaderaOmrådet kring Torpesta var så fint, och kvarnen var underbar, gillade speciellt tak konstruktionen, påminde lite om husen i Den Gamle By, Århus,Danmark. Blev nyfiken på att utforska området lite mer, gärna med fikakorgen med :-)