lördag 12 januari 2013

♥♥ Visitor in my Garden 11 January ♥♥

♥♥ Visitor in my garden♥♥
  11 January

A grey and overcast day 

Great Spotted Woodpecker or Greater Spotted Woodpecker, (Dendrocopos major),

 The first thing I noticed in my garden when I went out from my house was my beautiful visitor
 Great Spotted Woodpecker. When it is becoming cold outside, it is important for some
wild birds to find different seeds and suet treats which are made of a mix of premium 
suet filled with seeds and grains. If you want to give them something extra nice 
you can give them a piece of butter or margarine and raisins. 
Butter and margarine contains a little salt, however not 
more that what birds can eat. 

Other alternatives to give to the wild birds;

Greenfinch, Bullfinch, Chaffinch, Brambling, house sparrow, tree sparrow, 
great tit, blue tit, marsh tit, willow tit.
Greenfinch, Bullfinch, Hawfinch, great tit, nuthatch.

Oats, pieces of bread, boiled unsalted rice
Yellowhammer, house sparrow, dove, pigeon.

Wild bird seed mix, cage-bird seed mix, flaxseed
House sparrow, tree sparrow, chaffinch, Brambling, Greenfinch,  
Redpoll, Siskin, Dunnock.

Chaffinch, Brambling, nuthatch.

Jay, nutcracker, ring dove, nuthatch.

Jay, nutcracker, nuthatch, woodpecker.

Most tits, European Nuthatch and siskins.

Tallow, lard, lard, coconut oil
Blue Tit, Great Tit, Goldcrest, woodpecker, jay, magpie, tree creeper.

Apple, pear, banana, berries, checkerberry
Thrushes, waxwing, stare.

And when you give the birds water, you can use an immersion heater, which can 
be put in the water ( the kind you might have already if you have had an aquarium)
the water should be changed frequently -  use plastic gloves, I use plastic gloves 
also when changing suet balls and when I handle the bird feeders just to be on the 
safe side. I have learned that you should not use hot water from the hot tap,use  

 the cold water from the cold tap instead and make that water tepid 

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