söndag 1 juli 2012

Rose-Garden Days at Cultural Centre, Järna

"Rose-Garden Days"
"Cultural Centre"
June 28 - 30, 

 During the past couple of years I have visited the amazingly beautiful "Rose-Garden"
in Järna, at the Cultural Centre in the outer Järna to experience the beauty of the 
many different kinds of Roses in their best bloom. It is lovely to walk around in the 
rose garden, with the lovely rose scent. Some of them do not have a strong scent, 
others have a slightly spicy scent. Among the many roses you will also find different
kinds of peonies (Paeonia Lactiflora)

 Any one who is interested in gardening or just appreciates flowers can easily 
spend a couple of hours in the beautiful garden. The link to their webpage 
is  http://ytterjarna.se/en/  and I have added their web page at my links 
if anyone is interested to know more. It is a cultural centre with many 
different experiences, theatre music, café, restaurant and so much more.

 Mandarin Rose (Rosa moyesii)

 Frankfurt (Rosa Francofurtana) Rose

 Frankfurt (Rosa Francofurtana)

Mummie rose (Rosa ×richardii Sancta) This kind of rose have been found in 2000 
year old tombs in Egypt, and is possible depicted on one of the murals in the Palace 
of Knossos, Crete, from 1600BC. I think it is a very beautiful rose, with very decorative
colours and gives an overall fresh look. I am going to try and find one in a plant
shop for my own garden.   

Peonie (Paeonia Lactiflora)

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