tisdag 16 november 2010

"Beauty of Nature" 
Winter 2009
 "Storsjön" (Great Lake) Gnesta Sweden 2009

This Shots below are taken at the river "storsjön" ( Great Lake)
in Gnesta, Sweden with my Olympus 850SW which is
very small and handy to carry with me when out for
a quick walk. 1/100 sec, F 3,5 and ISO 64

"Ghost Oak"

Olympus 850SW  1/160 sec, F5 and ISO 64


Olympus 850SW
. 1/800 sec, F 6,3 and ISO 64


Olympus 850SW
1/200 sec, F 4,5 and ISO 64

Olympus 850SW
1/250 sec, F 4 and ISO80

"Beauty of Nature"

Olympus 850SW
1/100 sec, F 3,5 and ISO 64

"Green Heart"

Olympus 850SW
1/400 sec, F4 and ISO 64


Olympus 850SW
1/40sec, F4 and ISO 64

"Male & Female"

Olympus 850SW
1/250 sec, F4 and ISO160

"Man & Woman"

Olympus 850SW
1/320 sec, F6,3 and ISO 640

"Tired & Old"

Olympus 850SW
1/100 sec, F4,2 and ISO64

Olympus 850SW
1/80 sec, F4,2 and ISO64

"Wooden Heart"

Olympus 850SW
1/250 sec, F4 and ISO100

"Tiny Stars"

Olympus 850SW
1/250sec, F4 and ISO160

"The Stone house-1"

Olympus 850SW
1/320sec, F4,5 and ISO64

"The Stone house-2"

Olympus 850SW
1/320sec, F5,6 and ISO64

"The Stone house-3"

Olympus 850SW
1/3sec, F5 and ISO64

Sunset at river "klämmingen" Gnesta, Sweden 2009

This shots are taken at the river Klämmingen where this
beautiful sunset caught my eye. Also taken with my
Olympus. 1/400 sec, F6,3 and ISO 64

Sunset at river "Klämmingen", Gnesta, Sweden 2009

I took this shot since I wanted to get a beautiful silhouette
against the amazing sky 1/500 sec, F6,3 and ISO 64

A shot in the Dark-1, Gnesta,Sweden 2009

This shot " A shot in the Dark-1" is taken in Gnesta town with 
my NIKON D60    1/8sec, F5,6 ISO400 ( 55mm)

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