tisdag 5 juni 2012

An exciting night out 5-6th June 2012

An exciting night out
Spotted Beaver 
and a beautiful Owl
5-6th June 2012

A "Dream came true" during my very exciting night out, the first thing 
I saw when I arrived to the lake was large rings on the water surface 
near the landline. I took my camera eager to go down to the lake, 
thinking that it probably had to be a Beaver, and imagine how 
happy I was when I managed to get a couple of pictures even though 
it already had became rather dark outside. My plans for this night 
out, was mainly to get some photos of the sunset and the formations 
of the clouds, however the "wild animals" this night had other 
plans for me.

Eurasian Beaver(Castor fiber)

Eurasian Beaver(Castor fiber)

Eurasian Beaver(Castor fiber)

A beautiful landscape "A shot in the Dark"

A beautiful landscape "A shot in the Dark"

A beautiful landscape "A shot in the Dark"

An amazing encouter with a beautiful Owl which I belive must be the Ural Owl (Strix uralensis)

An amazing encouter with a beautiful Owl which I belive must be the Ural Owl (Strix uralensis)

An amazing encounter 

A beautiful male ( I think it is the male who hunts for prey)

Reaching for the stars

 This was truly a "Magic night out" and when downloading the last 2 shots I 
took I was amazed, just look for yourself, is it a Magic Owl I was lucky
to see or what do you think?

But caught the Magick Moon!

And found the glimmering gold at the end of the rainbow

Sweet Dreams to you All, I know I will dream about what I have
experienced this night, it was truly a Dream which 
came true with the amazing encounters with first 
the Beaver and then this beautiful Owl! 

Two totally different spieces of natures breathtaking creatures,
they are important piezes of the Beauty of Nature, and what gives
me the Inspiration to go out and discover more about wild life. 

Bless you all  take care
May the sun shine warm upon your faces!


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